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Year 3


Mrs D Rowcliffe
 Year 3 Teacher


Welcome to Year 3

In English, we will be focusing on writing biographies as part of our ‘Inspirational People’ sequence. This will be followed by learning around Lord of the Forest, Paddington and Mog’s Christmas Calamity. Maths will see us learning about the place value of numbers to 1000, before moving on to addition & subtraction and multiplication & division. 

This term, Year 3 will also study Science, Geography, History, Art, D&T, Computing, PE, RE, PSHE, Music and Spanish.

There are a range of ways that you can support your child’s learning at home. Reading is of paramount importance in terms of underpinning reading, writing, spelling and understanding of the world.



Curriculum Maps can be found on this page:

 Overviews of each subject by half term are outlined below: