Nursery - New Starters - Forms & Information
The Nursery is open Monday to Friday during term time,
from 9.00am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday. We offer morning, lunch, afternoon, and all day sessions. We also accept Nursery aged children into the Wraparound Care provision in school, providing care every weekday during term time from 7.45am to 6pm.
In the Nursery, the children have access to sand and water play, imaginative role play and small world equipment, painting, drawing, playdough and craft activities, puzzles, construction, writing and number activity areas, book corners, listening posts, tablets and interactive whiteboards, bikes and scooters, climbing, throwing and catching...just to name a few of the activities that are always available.
We work with the Owls class (Reception) and use the school facilities for forest school and outdoor learning.
We welcome all children from their second birthday. We also welcome those with 2-Year-Old Funding and three and four-year-olds with 15 hour and 30 hour funding.
If you would like to apply for a place for your child, or would like to arrange a visit, please contact the school admin office on 01837 83354 or email