Our Approach to Behaviour
BEECON: Behavioural, Emotional Empowerment using Collaboration, Oracy and Nurture
Fundamental Principles
In order to learn how to behave appropriately children need to be able to articulate their thoughts, feelings and emotions. They need to be able to recognise and name their feelings and more importantly understand their responses to them. Restorative conversations with others helps them to learn how to temper their emotions effectively and discuss their actions in a safe environment.
What is BEECON?
This is an approach to social and emotional literacy whereby the individual child is empowered to moderate their behaviours and learn how to be held and hold others in high esteem.
The process will be initiated by anomalies in behaviour, children will identify what steps they need to take to find a path to regulate their own behaviour. The age/ability or level of deregulation of the child will dictate the level of scaffolding by an adult.
Use of sentence stems will support the child further in how to communicate feelings effectively. It is up to the adult to add to the suggested stems depending on the situation. The language is key. Children will need to be taught how to communicate – modelling good language will support this.
Click here to find our Behaviour Policy on the full Policies page.