Kings Nympton is an idyllic village nestled in the stunning Devon countryside, yet only 10 minutes from Chulmleigh and South Molton. We see ourselves as the small school with the big ideas. Our staff team are dedicated to ensuring all children have access to a wealth of learning experiences and the very best curriculum. We are able to do this by working closely and sharing skills across our Federation (we are federated with Winkleigh Primary School).
By planning trips and residentials across the Federation, children from Kings Nympton Primary School get to meet other children from their year groups before their transition to their chosen secondary school.
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Virtual Book Fair in partnership with Gobbledy Books. Across the Federation we sold 138 books at a sales value of £373.50! This gives us the opportunity to gain 26 new books.
We would love to thank those from the Kings Nympton Community who came out to support the children with their school carol-singing. It was lovely to share a special Christmas moment with you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
Class 1 were busy cooking special Christmas treats today!
Christmas Fun Day at Winkleigh Primary School - Tomorrow 17th December - Please remember to give your child no more than £3.50
Don't forget to bring your Christmas art entry to school tomorrow! Open to all!